Heat Treament for Bed Bugs
Why Heat Treatment for Bed Bugs are so effective: Bed bugs infestations are the hardest pest to exterminate and one of the worst infestations that your family could have. Many Bedbug Exterminators use only chemicals that are expensive and don’t work well. Bed bug bites are irritating and even can be dangerous. They can also be difficult to treat […]
Minneapolis Bed Bugs

The top 15 most infested cities in America are: Baltimore; Washington, D.C.; Chicago; New York; Columbus, Ohio; Los Angeles; Detroit; Cincinnati; Philadelphia; San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose; Richmond-Petersburg, Va.; Raleigh-Durham, N.C.; Cleveland-Akron-Canton, Ohio; Indianapolis, and Dallas-Ft. Worth. In 2010, Minneapolis is rated the 15th most infested city in the United States with bed bugs. It was relatively in the same […]
Bed Bug Exterminators
The “Bed Bug Guys” offers Heat Treatments, the Pesticide Free Solution to your Bed Bugs Why You Need to Hire the “Bed Bug Guys” Discreet unmarked trucks and uniforms, only you know why we are here Professional we Kill all your BED BUGS Guaranteed and that’s all We DO Bed Bug Specialist, […]