We take the risk out of hiring a Bed Bug Exterminator
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Pesticide and Chemically Free   •   60 Day Guarantee to be Bed Bug Free

Posts Tagged "bed bugs"

Bed Bug Epidemic Discussed in Denver

Bed Bug Epidemic Discussed in Denver 500 of the industry’s leading Bed Bug professionals met in Denver, Colorado in the beginning of December, 2013. The big discussion question posed to all attendees was “Are we making progress?” The answer was yes and no. Since bed bugs re-emerged in large numbers in the mid-2000s until today, great strides have been made in better understanding bed bug biology and behavior. Pest Management Professionals (PMPs) have also experienced success by refining training, policies and procedures and introducing new and innovative Bed Bug products. However, the cases of bed bug infestations remain the number 1 problem for many PMPs. A survey was given to group of PMPs in 2010 that 76% responded that bed bugs were THE most difficult pest to control. The survey was repeated again in 2013, and again, 76% responded that bed bugs were STILL THE most difficult pest to control and were also being found in more non-residential areas. The survey asked only one question; “Where have you found bed bugs?”* Hotels/motels – 75 percent (67 percent) +8 percent College dorms – 47 percent (35 percent) +12 percent Nursing homes – 46 percent (25 percent) +21 percent Office buildings – 36 percent (18 percent) +18 percent Schools and day care centers – 41 percent (10 percent) +31 percent Hospitals – 33 percent (12 percent) +21 percent Transportation (train/bus/taxi) – 21 percent (9 percent) +12 percent Movie theaters – 10 percent (4 percent) +6 percent If you are concerned about bed bugs, don’t worry; just hurry and call the “Bed Bug Guys” today. The Bed Bug Guys are the perfect choice when choosing someone to exterminate your bed bug infestation for good with just one treatment, THEY GUARANTEE IT. They are excellent in the detection and monitoring of bed bugs. The “Bed Bug Guys” are honest, offer free estimates, and prompt and professional service. Most bedbug treatments are completed in less than 48 hours of your first call! The Heat Treatments performed by the “Bed Bug Guys” have the INDUSTRIES BEST SUCCESS RATE and is backed by a 60 day “bed bug free” guarantee! The “Bed Bug Guys” offer 100% Pesticide Free Bed Bug Treatments, unlike the competition which use...

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f you’re sleeping somewhere other than home, beware. Bedbug prevalence is on the rise, and hotels and motels are some of their favorite hangouts. These pesky critters can cause severe itching and welt-like bites, and it’s costly to get rid of them if they follow you home. What’s more, research suggests they can cause financial distress, anxiety, and social isolation. But no need to get depressed just yet. With these easy tips, you can cut your chances of critter trouble while on the road. 1. Head Straight for the Bathroom Before you check out your hotel room’s mini bar or oceanfront view, give it a thorough bedbug inspection — and until you’ve done that, stash your luggage in the loo. “Bedbugs are least likely to be found in the bathroom,” says Missy Henriksen, vice president of public affairs for the National Pest Management Association. “They don’t like the tile floors and there aren’t as many hiding places. They like to be closer to where people may be sleeping.” 2. Inspect the Bed Here’s how to check for a bedbug infestation: Pull back the linens and check all the way around and under the mattress and behind the headboard. Look for blood stains or small black dots that look like mold or ground pepper, says Christine Johnson, Ph.D., a behavioral ecologist in the American Museum of Natural History’s Division of Invertebrate Zoology in New York City. Check for the critters too. Bedbugs are about the size and shape of an apple seed, and you may find them hiding in corners or seams of the bedding. If you see any suspicious signs, alert the hotel staff immediately. 3. Check The Room Next, broaden your bedbug search to the area immediately surrounding the bed: behind picture frames, under the telephone and alarm clock, and even in books, says Johnson. Studies have shown that most bedbugs are found in or within 15 feet of a bed, but some may still be further away. Check in the cushions and seams of any couches or soft chairs and in the closet before putting your clothes away. 4. Keep Luggage Off the Ground Leaving suitcases and bags on the floor — or on a second spare...

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TOP HIDING SPOTS FOR BED BUGS 34.6% Box Spring 22.6% Couch/Chair 22.4% Mattress 13.4% Frame/Head Board 2.3% Night Stand/Dresser 1.4% Base Boards .02% Other

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Bed Bug Testimonial & Review by another Satisfied Customer

Bed Bugs Testimonial by another Satisfied Customer Our worst nightmare came true on Sunday, November 3rd 2013; we had bed bugs. We were absolutely horrified and disgusted. We knew it was going to be a nightmare to get rid of them; at least that’s what we thought until meeting Jeff with The Bed Bug Guys. We called him on Monday morning and he was at our house later that day. We were blown away by Jeff’s professionalism and detailed explanation of The Bed Bug Guys Heat Treatment process. We were also greatly comforted by the fact that there would be no chemicals used because we have a one-year-old daughter. Within a few minutes of meeting Jeff, we knew that he was the answer to our nightmare. It was like the cavalry had come to save the day when he arrived with his equipment to treat the house. He was very efficient in getting the house set up and before long it was a sweltering 135° in our entire split-level home. Jeff gave us a call when he was done and we headed home to a bed bug free house! It has been 30 days since our treatment and we are thrilled to say we are bed bug free! I can’t thank Jeff and The Bed Bug Guys enough for giving us back our peace of mind and the ability to enjoy hanging out at home again! Thanks again for everything Jeff! If you are looking for someone to treat your bed bug problem, you won’t find a better company and you will be completely satisfied. Sincerely, Clint & Nicole Burnsville,...

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