Freezing bedbugs
This isn’t cool: Freezing bedbugs may not kill them after all Researchers found the bed bugs have a high cold tolerance, beyond the normal freezing point 32 degrees F or 0 degrees C. They concluded that a minimum exposure of 80 hours at 3.2 degrees F (-16 degrees C) was needed to kill 100 percent […]
Bed Bug Epidemic Discussed in Denver
Bed Bug Epidemic Discussed in Denver 500 of the industry’s leading Bed Bug professionals met in Denver, Colorado in the beginning of December, 2013. The big discussion question posed to all attendees was “Are we making progress?” The answer was yes and no. Since bed bugs re-emerged in large numbers in the mid-2000s until today, […]
f you’re sleeping somewhere other than home, beware. Bedbug prevalence is on the rise, and hotels and motels are some of their favorite hangouts. These pesky critters can cause severe itching and welt-like bites, and it’s costly to get rid of them if they follow you home. What’s more, research suggests they can cause financial […]
Bed Bugs
Bed Bugs are the world’s greatest hitch-hikers, and can make themselves so flat they hide undetected in crevices and creases. They live on warm blood, inside buildings and thrive in warm temperatures. Bed bugs spend most of their time in hiding but come out to feed once every few days; feeding promotes molting and reproduction. […]