Heat Treament for Bed Bugs
Why Heat Treatment for Bed Bugs are so effective: Bed bugs infestations are the hardest pest to exterminate and one of the worst infestations that your family could have. Many Bedbug Exterminators use only chemicals that are expensive and don’t work well. Bed bug bites are irritating and even can be dangerous. They can also be difficult to treat […]
Bed Bug Heating PackTite Recalls Units Due to Fire Hazard
To read the full story click below http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/packtite-recalls-bed-bug-heating-units-due-to-fire-hazard-235398041.html
Bed bug Chemical-Free Treatments With Extreme Heat
BED BUGS are a growing problem. People can unwittingly get them at work, or at the movies, or in retail stores. Added to the aggravation, irritation of the bites and social stigma of having a bedbug infestation in one’s home is the cost of treatment. Traditional methods of bedbug treatments cost thousands of dollars and […]
Bed Bugs
Bed Bugs are the world’s greatest hitch-hikers, and can make themselves so flat they hide undetected in crevices and creases. They live on warm blood, inside buildings and thrive in warm temperatures. Bed bugs spend most of their time in hiding but come out to feed once every few days; feeding promotes molting and reproduction. […]