Though commonly used, the pesticide approach often requires multiple visits. It may not be effective due to pesticide resistance and the ability of Bed Bugs to disperse at the time of application. It has been proven that pesticides do NOT work.
According to a 2005 survey, only 6.1% of companies claim to be able to eliminate bed bugs in a single visit, while 62.6% claim to be able to control a problem in 3-4 visits. With today’s pesticide-resistant Bed Bug, the above statistics are even lower!
Insecticide application may (will) cause dispersal of bed bugs to neighboring areas of a structure, spreading the infestation to other rooms in your house or to neighboring units in attached housing. Furthermore, the problem of insecticide resistance in bed bug populations increases their opportunity to spread.
Pesticides are also very toxic to humans, especially for children under the age of six. There is a risk of the user having an allergic reaction to the chemicals, not to mention other possible health risks including cancer and acute neurotoxicity. Concerns over the possible health effects of pesticides on people and pets make the practice of chemically treating living areas extensively problematic. Not including the fact that they cause the dispersal of bed bugs to neighboring dwellings.
Exterminators often require individuals to dispose of furniture and other infested materials, but the Bed Bug Guys tell you NOT TO THROW AWAY ANYTHING; saving you money! We do such a great job that we have a 30 DAY GUARANTEE TO BE BED BUG FREE OR WE WILL COME BACK AND RETREAT.
Pesticide resistance
Bed bug pesticide-resistance appears to be increasing dramatically. Current Bed bug populations sampled across the U.S. showed a tolerance for pyrethroids several thousands of times greater than laboratory bed bugs. New York City bed bugs have been found to be 264 times more resistant to deltamethrin than Florida bed bugs due to mutations and evolution. And a study done by Dr. Stephen Kells from the U of M found it takes over 1000 times more pesticides to kill Bed Bugs today than it did 30 years ago.
A population genetics study of bed bugs in the United States, Canada, and Australia using a mitochondrial DNA marker found high levels of genetic variation. This suggests the studied bed bug populations did not undergo a genetic bottleneck as one would expect from insecticide control during the 1940s and 1950s, but instead, that populations may have been maintained on other hosts such as birds and bats. This suggests the spread of insecticide resistance may be rapid.
Go here for even better information on Bed Bug Resistances