We take the risk out of hiring a Bed Bug Exterminator
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Posts by The Bed Bug Guys

Heat Treament for Bed Bugs

Why Heat Treatment for Bed Bugs are so effective: Bed bugs infestations are the hardest pest to exterminate and one of the worst infestations that your family could have. Many Bedbug Exterminators use only chemicals that are expensive and don’t work well. Bed bug bites are irritating and even can be dangerous. They can also be difficult to treat because they are so difficult to find and have a super high resistance to pesticdes. Bed bugs like to hide in unseen spots- like the seams of chairs and couches, between cushions, in the folds of curtains, in bed frames and box springs. They are also known to hide in drawer joints, electrical receptacles and appliances, under loose wall paper and wall hangings, and in corners of rooms. Most chemical treatments need to be applied in direct contact with bed bugs to kill them. Also, most pesticides in chemical treatments cannot kill bed bug eggs effectively and sometimes can not kill bedbugs either, and that is why many pest control companies that use pesticide to treat bed bugs have to come back every few weeks to re-apply pesticides. And who wants harmful pesticides in your house? Our Heat Treatment method by your Heat Treatment Expert, is the most effective way to treat bed bugs. We use electric heat, to heat the house to 135 degrees for hours. We use fans to make the house like a convection oven to get Heat into all the crevices that bed bugs hide in. The heat penetrates deep into walls, bedding, and clothes. Other companies doing heat treatments do such a poor job that they need to use pesticides with all their Heat Treatments. Bed Bug guys, avoid this by doing a thorough job with heating. We make sure to heat all parts of the house properly and thoroughly. We also avoid the dangerous gas heating methods other companies use.  Some companies use gas powered heating equipment, which is ILLEAGAL to leave the fuel tank in the house while it is being heated. This could potentially blow up the house! Beware of companies that use a gas heating method, because they generally on have only one (1) heater they move from room to room after just one hour. Bed Bug Guys use 10 electrical heating systems, that is completely safe! The Bed Bug Guys also have the best warranty in the industry! We offer...

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Minneapolis Bed Bugs

   The top 15 most infested cities in America are: Baltimore; Washington, D.C.; Chicago; New York; Columbus, Ohio; Los Angeles; Detroit; Cincinnati; Philadelphia; San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose; Richmond-Petersburg, Va.; Raleigh-Durham, N.C.; Cleveland-Akron-Canton, Ohio; Indianapolis, and Dallas-Ft. Worth. In 2010, Minneapolis is rated the 15th most infested city in the United States with bed bugs. It was relatively in the same spot in 2011, but plummeted to 46th by 2012, and steadily made its way out of the bed bug rankings. By 2017, Minneapolis was not in the top 50 rankings.  At the time in 2010, mostly big name companies lead the way for Minneapolis bed bug extermination, and bed bug companies throughout America, were very ineffective at treating bed bugs. These companies used a lot harmful pesticides including pyrethroids (Nerve Toxins) to treat bedbugs. Jeffrey Berens made it his mission to start Beg Bug Guys in 2011, and end these ineffective and harmful treatments for Bed Bugs in Minneapolis. Jeffrey decided to go with a genius and natural Heat Treatment method that kills bed bugs fast, safely and effectively. What caused this huge drop from 15th most infested cities to not even in the top 50 cities? The “Bed Bug Guys”! Do you think this is a coincidence?… because we think not. Unlike many other companies, the bed bug guys are your “heat treatments experts”, Heat Treatment will penetrate and force heat into all of the cracks and crevices where the beg bugs hide.    Our Heat Treatment process, by your “Heat Treatment Experts”,  forces heat into beds, bedding, mattresses, furniture, electronics, wall cavities, etc. leaving no place for bed bugs to hide. Other companies are not as complete or thorough with their heat treatment process, so they need to use harmful pesticides with every heat treatment. Bed Bug Guys are Industry leaders with Heat Treatments, which is a chemical free extermination for Bed Bugs in Minneapolis and the greater Minnesota Area.   2010: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2010/08/24/does-city-rank-comes-bedbugs.html  #15 MPLS RANKING 2011: https://www.orkin.com/press-room/top-bed-bug-cities/   #16 MPLS RANKING 2012: http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/business/2012/03/the-top-50-us-cities-for-bed-bugs/   #46 MPLS RANKING 2013: http://www.pctonline.com/article/terminix-cities-highest-increase-bed-bug-activity/ 2015: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/the-worst-cities-for-bed-bugs-in-the-us/ #35 MPLS RANKING 2016: http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/orkins-top-50-bed-bug-cities-list-300203437.html 2017:...

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Beating Bed Bugs in the Burbs

The Bed Bug Guys Your Heat Treatment Experts Knock ‘Em Dead With Super-Fast Service The best homes can get the worst bugs. Put aside any thought that bed bug problems only happen to other people in other places. Accidently picking up bed bugs is all too easy. Have you been in a hospital, hotel, library, theater, bus, train, plane, school, church or retail store lately? Bed bugs are a structure-based pest and can dwell anywhere people breathe then hitch a ride and settle into new territory: Your house. Bed Bugs In The Burbs Bed bugs made their way into my suburban home somehow… Creepy? Yes! Little blood-sucking vampires hide in the shadows coming out at night for my blood. My house felt like a horror movie set but the nightmare was real. At first I tried exterminating with chemicals. Preparation was time consuming. An entire room was gutted: Heavy plastic garbage bags were filled, sealed and stockpiled in the garage. Clothes and bedding were washed and dried on the hottest setting. Sadly, keepsakes were tossed; 10 years of clutter had to go! We cleared everything out and kept out. A now roomless family member set up temporary camp in the basement. Chemical Treatment Failure After two professional chemical treatments by a licensed exterminator to a bedroom and surrounding hallways, I worried about possible health effects for my family, my pet and me. All the while, I got more painful, red-swollen bites – yet saw no sign of bed bugs in my room. Rude Awakening Then a three-day weekend came with a bed bug on my pillow. Eek! @#%*!!! My worst fears were confirmed… The parasitic devils migrated from one room to another with a vengeance. These six-legged creepy-crawlies know how to take cover and how. Bed Bug Guys – Your Heat Treatment Experts – To The Rescue It was time for a new chemical-free plan. The best thing I did was call the Bed Bug Guys, your heat treatment expert, offering my only pesticide free solution. Jeff Berens responded immediately and worked over a holiday weekend to solve my problem. My Knight in shining armor, he had the best option – plus he took time to listen to my...

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In many situations heat is the best bed bug control option, but these treatments require specialized equipment, and a highly trained technician.

By Eric J. Braun | March 24, 2014 Bed bugs have long been a part of our world. One theory is that they emerged in prehistoric times, living in caves with our primitive ancestors, and then followed humans into man-made structures all over the world. In our era, bed bugs became a concern about 10 years ago as tourists staying at East Coast hotels began reporting bites. Because bed bugs are efficient “hitch- hikers,” these infested travelers inadvertently carried bed bugs to other hotels as well as into their homes. Today, there are reports of bed bugs on the East and West Coasts in America, and they are becoming more prominent in the Midwest. According to 2010 research conducted by the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) and the University of Kentucky, 95 percent of pest control companies reported encountering a bed bug infestation in the prior year. By contrast, before 2000, only 25 percent of pest control companies surveyed had encountered a bed bug infestation. Recently, the rate of increase in the spread of bed bugs has slowed. This is most likely due to an increased public awareness and the development of more effective control methods. However, the battle is ongoing because many strains of bed bugs have demonstrated a resistance to pesticides. Identifying an Infestation. While clutter in a room can provide bed bugs with safe and cozy hiding places, the cleanliness of a site has nothing to do with acquiring an infestation. Bed bugs feed primarily on blood and emerge from hiding places, usually at night, drawn out by body heat and by the CO2 we exhale. To date, they have not been shown to transmit disease, but can bite several times in one location and leave saliva in the wounds, which can cause raised welts that resemble mosquito bites or hives. Needless to say, these bites are at least uncomfortable, and the presence of bed bugs can psychologically impact people. Bed bugs typically are found in areas where humans have spent some time sleeping. Such areas might include the seams of mattresses, in box springs, headboards and in the tiny cracks of bed frames. They may also find harborage in the upholstery of chairs and other...

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